There was considerable variability in their quality, with a variety of outcome measures and different perspectives: Policies and programmes to support parenting offer much scope for improving mental health. Effective provision requires a skilled workforce and careful application of approaches that have been found to work. The quality of the parent-child relationship and parenting more generally is one of the factors in determining outcomes. Many gaps remain; a key first step would be to make more use of the existence evidence base on effectiveness and model mid- to long-term costs and benefits of action in different contexts and settings. apostila dataprev 2011

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Investing in mental health and well-being: findings from the DataPrev project.

Aostila 47 studies were identified. The last decade has witnessed increasing interest in the promotion of mental health and well-being because of its importance for health and social functioning at individual level and for the social and economic well-being of societies. More research is needed to develop and identify interventions for some of the highest risk groups. Studies preventing exacerbations in existing mental health problems were excluded, with the exception of support for parents with mental health problems, dtaaprev might indirectly affect the mental health of their children.

apostila dataprev 2011

Caution must therefore be exercised in interpreting results, but the case for investment in parenting and health visitor-related programmes appears most strong, especially when impacts beyond the health sector are taken into account. Recent research from a range of disciplines including neurodevelopment, developmental psychology and genetics has highlighted the importance of childhood, and particularly the first few years of life, for future mental, social and emotional development.

Results were synthesized qualitatively and reported under the following headings: The objective of this review was to identify effective interventions to support parents, parenting and the parent-child relationship from the ante-natal period to adolescence.

Policies and programmes to support parenting offer much scope for improving mental health.

Effective provision requires a skilled workforce and careful application of approaches that have been found to work. There was considerable variability in their quality, with a variety of outcome measures and different perspectives: We focused on areas of interest to the DataPrev project: A systematic review was conducted to determine the extent to which an economic case has been made in high-income countries for investment in interventions to promote mental health and well-being.

Investing in mental health and well-being: findings from the DataPrev project.

Many gaps remain; a key first step would be to make more use of the existence evidence base on effectiveness and model mid- datzprev long-term costs and benefits of action in different contexts and settings. The quality of the parent-child relationship and parenting more generally is one of the factors in determining outcomes.

apostila dataprev 2011

A systematic search of key electronic databases was undertaken to identify systematic reviews evaluating approaches to parenting support; 52 systematic dataprv were identified. In the workplace an economic return on investment in a number of comprehensive workplace health promotion programmes and stress management projects largely in the USA was reported, while group-based exercise and psychosocial interventions are of potential benefit to older people.

The review provides a robust international evidence base of programmes which have been demonstrated to improve parenting and the mental health and dataprevv of children.
